  • 項(xiàng)目1
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The inspiration for this project comesfrom my own experience of beingrudely labeled in the process ofinterpersonal communication, whichmakes me have great questions aboutthe identity and existence ofindividuals. Therefore, I choose to takesheep as a symbol and express theabsurdity and irrationality of labelingby describing the stereotypes of sheepfrom various perspectives in differentcultures since ancient times
In my memory, my mother always told me that lwas the meat that fell off her body, so what felloff me was also hers.The Eastern family model isalways shy about expressing love to familymembers directly, and always expresses "l loveyou" in the most subtle way, whether it isfloating in the aroma ofa well-prepared mealon the table, or hidden in a knitted sweater. Formyself it's the baby teeth l forgot about in thecorner ofthat drawer.
This project is inspired by my personal experience of my grandparents' loneliness in theirold age and their deaths. I researched the general social phenomenon of loneliness in oldage and analysed the photos and relics of their lives as I remembered them, dividing theirold age into five stages and symbolising their loneliness in their old age by using' cocoon5'using silver wire as the main material to weave a progressively thick and closed space, thuspresenting the sad but unavoidable situation of loneliness in contemporary life. Using silverwire as the main material to weave a thick and closed space, the work presents the sad.suffocating and unavoidable loneliness of people in contemporary life.