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Tourism is a common form for most people to experiencelives and culture of other regions. However, most oftourists now are just giving a hurried and cursory glanceat spots and take a snap. lt's hard for them to immerse inculture and gain valuable travelling culture experience. Therefore, l have designed a tourism model that isdedicated to not only enabling visitors to immersethemselves in the local culture of Kulangsu in a fun andaccessible way, but also to reap the benefits of avaluable cultural tourism experience!
Social bias against tears has impacted on mostpeoples" perceptions of and reactions to tears. Therefore, l designed an interactive installation thatfiguratively represents the effect of observers on theweepers by ripples and how observers makesubjective sense of it. I would like to provoke the viewer to refect on theirpast perceptions, reactions and behaviors towardstears. And l also aim to make the viewer to refecton their subjective interpretation process and itsimpact on the weeper, and to realize that theiractions are more the result of subjective experience.
In playgrounds, parents and children areoften separated from each other. Parentsexpect their children to gain knowledge,but they often underestimate the importantvalue of play for children's learning anddevelopment. Meanwhile, children inplaygrounds have lack of way to connectwith peers and are hard to learn fromnature.Therefore, l have designed a servicesystem not only to increase parents'participation, concept of play and nature-based learning, but also to motivatechildren to attain more rewards andgrowth from outdoor playing.
Mardi Mercredi have landed a number ofpop-up shops and offine storesin China in2023.However, in the process of opening apop-up shop, they still have some problemswith site selection, collaboration, purchaseconversion, interaction with customers,activity setup, membership mechanisms, etc. As a result, l redesigned their system of pop.up shops to help the brand launch pop-upshops more effciently and create deeperconnections with customers and members,thus creating greater business value.